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10 Psychological Copywriting Techniques to Increase Website Conversions

There’s one element that underpins every successful marketing strategy: good copywriting. Put simply, strong copy is one of the most essential elements of effective marketing.

As a website it at the forefront of any business’s online presence, it needs to contain the right copy to engage visitors and drive conversions. Get it wrong and visitors won’t stay on your website, which will harm sales and search engine rankings.

Read this article to discover 10 psychological copywriting techniques to convert more website visitors into customers.

Create Micro Information Gaps

It’s human nature to be curious. Take advantage of this by creating mini gaps in website copy. How? Use colons and ellipses to split sentences, and insert bullet points to clarify messages. By making one point at a time, readers are more likely to consider what they’re reading. Creating mini pauses in the flow of the writing will make readers want to read on to find out more.

Use More Verbs than Adjectives

Generally speaking, in marketing copy verbs are more persuasive than adjectives. For example, describing a product as “cost-effective” and “first-class” comes across as fairly meaningless to most readers. These adjectives just fall flat. However, if a product “saves the customer money” and “won an industry award”, the verbs “save” and “won” provide justification and come across as more convincing.

Play Devil’s Advocate

Authenticity is extremely important for any brand. If a potential customer senses that they’re not hearing the entire truth, they won’t be persuaded to take further action.

So what’s the solution? Play the devil’s advocate. Highlight potential concerns that a customer might have, and then address the issue to allay their concerns. Be upfront and recognise any potential roadblocks to a sale.

Use These Power Words

There are certain words that trigger emotional responses and hold more power than others. Here are a few words that support conversions:

  • You and Your: Address the reader directly; it sounds more personal and they are more likely to take notice.
  • Because: Predicting objections is key to good copy. The word “because” helps to explain and justify statements.
  • Results: Use this word alongside real-world examples of how a product or service will help prospects.
  • Easy: Most people like to choose the path of least resistance. “Easy” is a great word to use to encourage readers to take the next step on a website, or help them imagine how a product can improve their situation.

Use Conversational, Customer Language

People reading web copy will feel more at ease if it mirrors their language. Make sure potential customers can relate to copy by using words and phrases that they also use. Avoid industry jargon and try to sound more conversational; it’s a simple way to build trust.

Be Unambiguous

Don’t worry too much about being direct with readers; people appreciate that businesses want them to take further action. Clearly explain what’s on offer and tell people what they need to do next. It avoids confusion and builds trust.

Focus on Benefits Over Features

It’s the marketer’s job to focus the reader’s attention on the benefits of a product or service. People want to solve a specific problem, so use copy to explain how a product or service does just that. Think of it like this: when people buy a window cleaner, they want clean windows; they don’t want a window cleaner.

Tell Stories

Stories are more memorable, helping people to relate to any business and what it offers. Identify the enemy. In the previous window cleaner example, the enemy would be the dirt on windows.

Use imagery to take readers on a journey. Help them imagine themselves as the lead character and “hero” of the story. How do they overcome the main problem?

Make Readers Feel Something

People usually buy something because it makes them feel a certain emotion. It might make them feel more secure, more knowledgeable, or simply more special.

  • What do typical customers fear and desire?
  • How does the product take away their fears, and how does it satisfy their desires?

Use emotional words and language throughout copy to make readers feel these emotions.

Use Visual Contrast

Adding visual contrast to copy helps to communicate key points to readers, even if they’re skimming content. Bold, italicize or underline important phrases so that they stand out on the page and grab readers’ attention.

Wrapping Up

Any business that wants to strengthen their reputation and influence people must use strong copy; the words that appear on any website have a dramatic impact on visitor behaviour.


Writing persuasive copy isn’t always easy, but by using some of the psychological copywriting techniques outlined above, it’s possible to engage more visitors, boost conversions, and transform any website into a 24-hour sales machine that drives sales for years to come.


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