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4 Things You Didn’t Know About SEO

The search engine market is always transforming but effective SEO is always the most effective way to continuously drive traffic. SEO works but it doesn’t happen instantly, you need to invest time into it and be consistent with your efforts.


Mobile Friendly

Having mobile friendly, responsive content is becoming one of the most important factors to consider when creating content. Although it isn’t enough anymore to only have a mobile-friendly website. As the page load time goes from 1 second to 10 seconds the probability of bounce increases 123%.

Google recently updated their app and mobile results to display badges for image search which categorises the image that you’re viewing. This means that alt attributes are even more relevant for mobile searches.

With the rise of voice searches, that is another reason you will want to start aligning your content. Meta titles are a good place to start when optimising for mobile searches because they are shorter.

Starting in July 2019, mobile-first indexing will be enabled by default for all new websites. This means that new websites are now showing users and search engines the same content on both mobile and desktop devices.



The Power of Keywords

Strategic keywords should be used in your website’ pay attention to keyword activity. Knowing your target market and how they’re searching for your content is key and by researching your keywords you can answer some of these questions.

Once you’ve discovered terms that are used to search for your site and their volume you can get strategic and look at competitors to see how the searches might differ. Another effective SEO strategy is to pick only one keyword per page of your site. For example at Marketing Mavens we would only use one page for “Marketing Agency Glasgow.”

As with all SEO strategies, keyword research should be an ever-evolving part of your job, re-evaluated periodically and changed to give your content the best chance at a higher ranking. It’s important to make sure that you’re concentrating on the areas that will provide you with the biggest impact. For example, it would be better to try and increase your keywords from page 2 of Google to page 1 or to get higher up if you’re already on page 1 instead of focusing on a keyword on page 3 that may only get to page 2.



Everything must be relevant

Having meaningful content. Another thing you can do to boost your SEO traffic is polishing up and updating older content. Although meaningful content may generate less traffic than click bait articles, it will always rise to the top from a quality perspective which is desired by many.

Recently published content gets a high ranking, especially for topics that change frequently; you can update some of your content by:

  • Removing broken links
  • Linking to more recent or relevant resources
  • Adding up to date resources
  • Bring old blog posts back to life with fresh keywords & resources that will rank high on Google.

Social media SEO and increasing your rankings with increased engagement can be done by including at least one Call To Action in your posts.



Link building through social media

Ideally we want other websites to link back to our website, the more people who click on the link will result in a higher ranking for the key term. 88% of marketers use social media for link building by including links in social media profiles.

The main purpose of link building through social media is to get links outside the social networks through to the people inside them.

Social media has become a key distribution channel for content and you’re your content is out there it can start to generate engagement through social sharing and gives your content traffic.

Although the amount of shares you get on social media does not influence Google’s search rankings it doesn’t mean that it isn’t equally as important as social shares leads to more activity on your website and more comments on your blog. The click through rate on Google is a search ranking factor which means that its key to have good page titles and meta descriptions.


Visit our website to find out more about SEO and if you’re struggling we can provide you with a free SEO audit to show you where you are going wrong.