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How Long Does It Take To Rank In Google?

Once you design a website or are hired as an SEO expert this is the first question on clients lips. For businesses without an online presence, it’s common for them to hire an SEO expert to help rank in Google and other search engines. As we all know having your site rank on the first page Google for your target keywords could make you more successful as you are more visible to millions of people. Some of whom can turn out to be potential customers.

Therefore, how long does it takes to rank in Google?

Ahrefs provided some great research on this question.

It is a broad question and to answer it you need to understand, some, of the variables that determine how Google ranking is done and its effectiveness. These variables might include website strength, competition, budget, skills and age.

To rank in Google, as a small business is tough, it doesn’t happen in a day. Sometimes clients think that when they higher SEO expert and have best website designers set up a nice site for them that they will top on Google ranking immediately.

No, it does not work like that. In truth, the average time for the website to rank on Google through SEO optimisation techniques is about three to six months. This is dependent of competitiveness of your industry, most importantly the popularity of your keywords and if you are doing SEO properly.

Being found by Google is a gradual process. You will also need to understand the factors and variables that important in Google ranking. Here are some insightful points of what you need to rank in Google.

On page SEO Factors

By SEO, I mean that your page and content need to be tailored in such a way that it’s available for the search engine. These search engines include Google, Bing, Yahoo. To rank in Google search, you will need to have the right keyword, the right amount of times and in the right places in your web page. The titles have to be attractive and similar to what people are searching in Google. Including appropriate tags, Meta description and slug will also help to be visible to search engines.

Google index is a process that Google uses algorithms to search through files in their records. The search includes going through the archived files and giving the audience what they might be looking for. Google does this by using Googlebots, which are software programs designed specifically do instant searches on their records. The search does not include going through the whole internet, but it will search on probable area based on your query. That is what is called indexing. Therefore, to rank in these searches, your content need to be well prepared including the keywords in the right position and using proper sentences structures.

Domain Age

Domain age is another factor that can determine your visibility. The domains that are less than six months are said to be new and therefore are not considered reliable. You can understand why with so many dodgy websites starting up (ones that even try and steal your details). The old websites are mostly verified, and Google seems to prioritise on such pages.

According to Ahrefs to be ranked among the top ten sites in Google search your page will need to be two years or older. It’s hard to rank as number 1 in the ranking when you are new.

Sometimes new pages can rank if they have viral content that the audience is looking for, but this is not assured. When you are new, you will need more patience.

Keyword Competition

In every category, there are word and phrases that searched more frequently. As mentioned above the established and older sites that have been doing SEO properly will have an upper hand on the most competitive keywords. As a new business, you will need to do extensive research and consultation to get the correct keyword phrases.

Quality Content

When you publish new content and if you have your sitemap submitted to Search Console, Google will automatically realise it and add it in its storage memory. If such content is of good quality, of a good length and the content is, original it will improve your chances of ranking high in Google search. It is also advisable to post regular and specialise in your niche. By that, people will keep revisiting your site for more information and update on particular topics.

Clean Domain

Often people try to rank in unscrupulous ways. They don’t want to go through the long route waiting to rank. People try to cheat on Google by overusing on the keywords this is called keyword stuffing. Others try to buy inbound links to have their content more visible to searches and audience. Google has a way of detecting these cheats, and if found it can penalise you and force you to rectify and desist from such practices.


By creating quality content you will have a better chance of attracting backlinks from other people. A little analogy, if Google was the Mafia and the popular websites are ‘Made Guys’. If one of the ‘Made Guys vouches for you by linking to your website then Google will see you as a credible source and give you more authority.

Therefore, on how long it takes to rank in Google, you cannot have a direct response. It’s about understanding the factors and the amount of effort you what to put in place in having your content visible to Google search. It can take a while. However, with proper knowledge and the right content tailored in the most appropriate manner, you can rank in six months or less. Persistence and research are needed for a page to rank high.

But, even if you rank in the top 10 of Google this doesn’t mean you will get business. However, that is for another blog.

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